FAQs: NCS, Scholé, Part-Time, or a Mix?

I don't know about you, but I was always told in school, "Ask your questions, because someone else in the room probably has the same question!" Well, we've had many families reaching out asking very similar questions like:
"We have one student in New Covenant School, but we'd like to have our younger child in Scholé, how would that look?"

"We tried homeschooling but it's not exactly for our family, can we re-enroll in New Covenant School full-time?"

"What course offerings will Scholé offer in 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade and how do they compare to New Covenant School's classes?"

"We've always taken part-time classes, but we're interested in having our child graduate and walk from New Covenant School, what's the path we need to take?"

And this last question about Paths, is exactly what we've explored and settled on. We've sat down as a team and have a really rich and exciting plan to lay out for our families who are NCS, Scholé, part-time, or exploring a mixture of some of these! We see Three New Covenant "Pathways" you can take when joining our community.

We're excited to share this news to the families waiting on answers to their questions but thought if they had questions many others might too. Please join us for an informational meeting on Monday, Feb 5th at 6:30pm in C108 (cafeteria) at New Covenant. 

We'll present the Three Pathways, answer questions, and promise you'll gain some much needed clarity to help you decide on the 2024-2025 school year!

A family once told me, “Education is year to year and child to child for us,” and I totally get that. Each year brings new circumstances, children change, and in the midst of all that we’re trying to dial in the best environment for each child to be challenged and flourish. I am so thankful for Britney, Aubrey, the rest of our administration here that “get it.” It’s why we love being blessed by the Lord at New Covenant to be able to offer options and paths forward as we seek to cultivate the whole student to be Complete in Christ. We are excited to continue to come alongside you and your family as you seek to raise them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.

Hope to see you Monday, Feb 5th, 2024. And if you’re reading this too late, don’t worry— you’re not too late. Schedule an appointment through the office and we can sit down 1:1 to discuss your needs and the Three Paths!

EMAIL: school@newcovschool.net

Tyler VanFossen