100 Students Re-enrolled... and Counting!!!

We’ve hit 100 students and more registering today! We are excited to see the continued commitment of so many of our families partnering with us!

Remember, the Early Bird Discount ends on Feb 22nd 2024!

So be sure to register EARLY and use that code to get your discount.

Also, on February 22nd at 6:30pm we have our Open House for the community. This day marks our pivot in the enrollment season where we invite the many interested families who have contacted us, toured, or even have their applications in to enroll and experience New Covenant School’s classical, Christian, and covenantal difference!

Please spread the word about Open House on February 22nd!

In planning for the 2024-2025 school year, we have balanced the cost of a covenantal, classical, Christian education while advancing our mission forward.  Check out the following exciting improvements for the 24/25 term that will sustain and equip our ministry for the future:

- Every faculty member will receive a compensation increase to help with the ever rising cost of living.

- This year we are opening up financial aid assistance to more families.

- With the addition of the new admin connector, we are adding physical security upgrades to our campus.

- We have added a new position of campus security guard, beginning this fall.

- Our school operates debt free, and we are continuing to build an emergency fund so that we remain sustainable for the next generation.

Also, if we receive appropriate enrollment growth, we’ll add another learning cottage to our campus. With the

appropriate growth in Scholé, we have plans to increase Math and Science instruction in Upper Scholé, add a la carte classes for Scholé 6th grade and up, and have one class per grade in Grammar Scholé.

God continues to build his kingdom through this ministry and through the equipping of our children. While there may be times we get lost in the doldrums of winter, or the enticements of the world’s wonderland, we can rejoice that our God remains on the throne (Col 3:1), that He is steadfast in His love (Psalm 136), and faithful to the generations (Psalm 103:17).

Tyler VanFossen