Senior Story - Brooke Carver, Class of 2017

12234888_10208439817659532_4569376819879386107_nI attended New Covenant from first to third grade. I transferred to public school, but in eighth grade, the curriculum finally got to me. I had been learning a lot from New Covenant’s youth group and what I was being taught there was different than at school. I thought it unbeneficial to be taught one thing at school yet know it is not valid at the same time. One day at church, Mr. Canney started to talk to me about my plans for high school. I told him that I really wanted to go to New Covenant, but I didn’t know how because of the cost. He seemed surprised that I directly told him this.
This is my fourth year back at New Covenant and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Even though I knew most of the people from elementary school, it was still scary to start over. I shouldn’t have worried, for the teachers and the students are so welcoming and loving. They truly care for you and all your endeavors.
New Covenant’s education is so rich. Omnibus with Mr. Aubry and Mr. Canney made me think for myself on a lot of hard questions. Although it was not always easy for my family money wise at times, no one has ever pushed me away, but instead blessed me and helped my family. New Covenant has been so gracious and loving to me. When you come to New Covenant it becomes your home, partly because you’re there all the time and because New Covenant is a family.
I plan to continue my Christian education at either AU or Covenant where I’ll study Business and Spanish. I am eternally grateful for all the teachers that have invested in me and sharing the wonderful gospel to me, my mother for allowing me to have a Christian education, and my friends for loving me and making me apart of the family.