NCS Alumni Hit The Big Screen! 


Clemson University recently hosted it annual Campus Movie Fest on Wednesday, February 21st in Littlejohn Coliseum. The festival is a free event open to anyone and showcases the best 16 short-film entries.  The entrants were photographed on the red carpet, won various prizes, and were treated with cookies, popcorn and refreshments throughout the evening. The entrants did not know if they were chosen until their video was shown on the screen. 
This year, NCS 2017 alums Chase Harmon, Rebecca Lamb, Anna Milford, Adam Mortenson, Will Phillips and Taylor Skipper entered the contest and were one of the 16 films chosen from 86 entries! A great accomplishment for the first-time freshman group! Their short-film, which had to be less than 5 minutes, was titled, “Make A Friend”. It was written, directed, and edited by Adam Mortenson, who came to enjoy film-making through his Spanish classes at New Covenant. Our Spanish teacher, Senora Kelly Wickiser encourages students to do a semester project with a video (spoken in Spanish of course) as one option. Adam and his classmates filmed a large variety of Spanish videos during their time as high school students.
Adam and his star actors, mentioned above, were elated to have been chosen and were encouraged by the crowds comments, cheering, and clapping. Fellow alums and former Spanish video comrades, Brooke Carver and Maddie Smith, were in attendance as well and were able to share the joyous moment. Who knows what big screen you’ll find these alumni on next?