Get to Know the Head of School

February 20th, 2024

New Covenant’s next Head of School, Chaston Hart, starts a new season of life as he moves from Savannah and steps into the role of Head of School, but it’s the journey God’s had Chaston on, that has uniquely equipped him for the road ahead.  

A Georgia native, Chaston grew up in Savannah, playing baseball and attending a Christian Prep school. Like many of us in the South, Chaston was raised in a Christian home, and it was during his high school years that God began to deepen his faith through a relationship with a local youth pastor. “The Lord began to grab hold of my heart through the faithful mentorship of some devoted mentors. I began to wrestle with and reckon with my fallen nature and the impact that had on my theology and subsequently how I was to live my life.” 

God continued to bless Chaston’s journey by leading him to Covenant College, it was there that Chaston says “I quickly fell in love with Covenant as I realized just how much more Christian education can and should be. We were encouraged to think critically about the world around us and the role that Christ played in all of it. It was here that I began to discern a call to serve in Christian education and possibly as a Head of School one day.”

Chaston’s road in educational leadership has been blessed by God with very early success and many accomplishments, but you won’t hear him speak much of this. Rather, with a healthy view of his own depravity, Chaston is humbly grounded by an identity in Christ. Chaston describes the doctrine of grace to be one that “has had a life-altering impact” on his life. With a humble leadership style, Chaston speaks with a level of empathy and kindness that comes from a deep appreciation of the grace of God.

Originally hired as a History and Theology teacher, Chaston was quickly moved into an administrative role at Habersham, a fledgling startup school at the time. “Though it came with many challenges, I wouldn’t trade it for anything as it has uniquely prepared me with wide-ranging experience across a variety of areas in the life of a school, something I believe will serve me well in future endeavors. I also would not trade it, because it ultimately led me to my beautiful wife, Catherine (Cat).” 

Typical of God’s grace, oftentimes it leads us down roads we don’t expect, but through faithfulness, God grants us perspective to see the fruit of diligence, especially during times of adversity. When we realize that our level of depravity sinks us to a point of surviving only by the gracious work of Christ, we can humbly rest in that work. God may continue to refine and sanctify, through life’s trials, but it's fundamentally the Gospel, and a humble reliance on the work of the cross, that will drive us forward in God’s call on our lives. 

For Chaston and Cat, part of that call is rooted in the Church. “We desire deep community with the people of our local Church and cannot wait to serve alongside the saints of New Covenant in the years to come.” Though Chaston and Cat haven’t yet put down roots in our community, those who have spent time with them already feel that growth forming. Their heart for people and desire for the body of Christ is evident in conversation. It’s exciting to have the opportunity to welcome Chaston and Cat to our community and see the work of God’s call on their lives.  

NOTE: Chaston and Cat will be in town

March 1st for a meet and greet on campus, save the date!

Tyler VanFossen